
navigate_nextព័ត៌មាន សាកលវិទ្យាល័យnavigate_nextតារាងបញ្ជី សិក្ខាកាម

តារាងបញ្ជី សិក្ខាកាម

សាកលវិទ្យាល័យបានផ្តល់សេវាកម្មហ្វឹកហ្វឺន ប្រឹក្សាយោបល់ និងទស្សនកិច្ច ដល់ភ្ញៀវជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ មកពីគ្រប់ប្រទេសលើពិភពលោក តាមតារាងខាងក្រោម៖


No. Institution Type
1 Blue Bird International SchoolSchool
2 FKH Pawn ShopCompany
3 Holy Finance Plc.MFI
4ABA BankBank
5Active PeopleMFI
6ADH Credit OperatorCompany
7AEON Specialized Bank (Cambodia) Plc.Bank
8Akrun Reah Development Finance Plc.Credit Operator
9American Intercon InstituteCompany
10Amret Microfinance Institution (Amret)MFI
11Anakut HeranhvathoNGO
12ANDET OrganizationNGO
13Angkor Capital Specialized BankBank
14Angkor Mikroheranhvatho (Kampuchea) Co. Ltd (AMK)MFI
15ASIA Pacific Development Specialized Bank Plc.Bank
16Asia Pacific Finance Plc.MFI
17Atom Capital MFIMFI
18Australian People for Health, Education and Development Abroad (APHEDA)NGO
19Baitang (Kampuchea) PlcCompany
21Bank for Investment and Development of Cambodia Plc. (BIDC)Bank
22Baytang Credit OrganizationNGO
23Baytang Development OrganizationNGO
24Booyoung Khmer BankBank
25Bophana Audiovisual Resource CenterCompany
26Borey Peng HuothCompany
27Borey Sambath MeanhengIIICompany
28BORRIBO Microfinance Institution Plc.MFI
29Bridges Across Borders Cambodia (BABC)NGO
30Buddhism For Development (BFD)NGO
31Business Development Link (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd.Company
32Cafinco Finance Plc.Company
33Cam Capital Plc. (Cam Capital)Specialize Bank
34Cam-Paint ManufacturingCompany
35Cambodia Economic Network (CEN)NGO
36Cambodia Family Economic Organization (CFEO)NGO
37Cambodia Investor ClubCompany
38Cambodia Labor Care Plc (CLC)NGO
39Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA)MFI
40CAMBODIA Post Bank Plc.Bank
41Cambodia Property Career Development Organization (CPC)NGO
42Cambodia Volunteer for Community Development (CVCD)NGO
43Cambodian Business Integrated in Rural Development (CBIRD)MFI
44Cambodian Community Foundation Network (CCFiN)NGO
45Cambodian Community Savings Federation (CCSF)MFI
46Cambodian Health Committee (CHC)NGO
47Cambodian War Amputees Rehabilitation Society (CWARS)NGO
48CAMDIS Co.,LtdCompany
49Camma Microfinance Limited (Camma)MFI
50Canadia Bank Plc.Bank
53CATHAY UNITED Bank (Cambodia) Corporation Ltd.Bank
54CDA Rural Credit Operator Plc.Company
55Cellcard Finance Plc.MFI
56Chamroeun Microfinance Limited (Chamroeun)MFI
57Chief (Cambodia) Specialized Bank Plc.Bank
58CHIPMONG Group Ltd. Company
59Chouk Chey ADECNGO
60CIMB BankBank
61Cogetel Limited (Online)Company
62Community Capital Development Agency Institution (CCDA)MFI
63Community Development Fund (CDF)NGO
64Community Rural Economic Development (CRED)NGO
65Cooperate for Development OrganizationNGO
66Crédit Mutuel Kampuchea (CMK)MFI
67Credit Bureau (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd.Company
68Credit Scheme of Rural Development (CSRD)NGO
69Development Organization for our Country Economics NGO
70EDC of Kampong Cham ProvinceCompany
71Elin Leasing PlcCompany
72End Child Prostitution, Abuse and Trafficking in Cambodia (ECPAT Cambodia)NGO
73Entean Akpevath Pracheachun (EAP)MFI
74Entean Easy Finance Plc.Company
76First Commercial BankBank
77FUNAN Microfinance PlcMFI
78GCCBG Credit OperatorNGO
79GL Finance PLCCompany
80Golden Emerge Co.,Ltd.Company
81Golden Leaf FinanceNGO
82Golden Rice ( Cambodia ) Co., Ltd.Company
83Grand Phnom Penh Golf Co., Ltd. (GPPGC)Company
84Graticity Real Estate Development Co.,LtdCompany
85Green Central Micro Finance Ltd. (GCMF)MFI
86Green Economic Development OrganizationNGO
87Habitat for Humanity Cambodia (HHC)NGO
88Happy Family FundCredit Operator
89Hattha Kaksekar Limited (HKL)MFI
90Hi-Technology Co., Ltd.Company
91Home Pawn ShopCompany
92Hong Sokim Pawn ShopCompany
93Hout Sroeng GroupCompany
94HR Inc. Cambodia Co., Ltd.Company
95HT Networks Co.,Ltd.Company
96Hwang DBS Commercial Bank Plc.Bank
97I'M TelcoCompany
98Idemitsu Saison MFI (Cambod) Plc.MFI
99Intean Poalroath Rongroeurng Ltd (IPR)MFI
100Intergrating Human to Quality (IHQ)Training Provider
101IntLeeBrac (Indochina) Co., Ltd.Company
102J E R Import Export ContructionCompany
103Journeys Within Our Community (JWOC)NGO
104JS International Investment Co.,Ltd.Company
107Kasekor Meanmean PlcCompany
108KEDO OrganizationNGO
109Key Microfinance Institution PlcMFI
110Khemra OrganizationNGO
111Khmer Angkor NGONGO
112Khmer Capital MFI Plc.MFI
113Khmer People Credit Association (KPCA)NGO
114KK Fund Leasing Plc.Company
116Konkhmer Specialized Bank PlcBank
117KREDIT Microfinance Institution Ltd (KREDIT Ltd)MFI
118KTV X2Company
119Labors and Economic Development Agency (LEDA)NGO
120Labors and Family Economic Development (LFED)NGO
121Laksmi Prime Investment Co., LtdCompany
122Latte Mei Cambodia Co.,Ltd.Company
123LBP MicrofinanceMFI
124Leap Men Chey Pharma Co.,LtdCompany
125LEOPARD CapitalCompany
126Libra Private Security Co.,Ltd.Company
127Lim Sokheng Co.,LtdCompany
128LOLC ( Cambodia ) Plc.MFI
129Ly Hour Microfinance Institution PlcMFI
130Ly Hour Pay Pro Plc.Company
131Ly Porchou Import Export Co.,LtdCompany
132Marist Solidarity CambodiaNGO
133MARUHAN Japan Bank Plc.Bank
134MAXIMA Mikroheranhvatho Co. Ltd (MAXIMA)MFI
136Meatophum OrganizationNGO
137Medai Winery Co.,LtdCompany
138MEGA International Commercial BankBank
139Mega Leasing Plc.Company
140Ministry of Agriculture Forest & Fisheries (MAFF)Government
141Ministry of InteriorGovernment
142MOHANOKOR Microfinance PlcMFI
143Mong Reththy Group Co., Ltd.Company
144Montare Asia Pte.,LtdCompany
145Morakort Technology Co., LtdCompany
146Mothers Financial Japan PlcMFI
147Muslim Aid Cambodia OrganizationNGO
148New Economic Worker (NEW)NGO
151OC Finance PlcCompany
152OHANA HOME JAPAN Co.,Ltd.Company
153ORO Finance Corp PlcNGO
155Oxley Worldbridge Specialized BankBank
156PACT CambodiaNGO
157Pannasastra University of CambodiaUniversity
158Paper Best CambodiaCompany
159Partnership for Community Organization (PCO)NGO
160Phillip Bank PlcBank
161Phnom Penh Commercial Bank (PPCB)Bank
162Phnom Penh International AirportCompany
163Pracheacheat FinanceNGO
165Prathna OrganizationNGO
166Preh Ateth Community Development OrganizationNGO
167Prince Finance Plc.MFI
168Prudential (Cambodia) Life Assurance PLCCompany
169Pyramid Service Co., Ltd.Company
170Ratanak Pawn Broker Co., Ltd. (RPB)Company
171Reproductive & Child Health Alliance (RACHA)NGO
172RHB Indochina Bank LimitedBank
173Rights Smart International ( RSI)NGO
174Rith Sokha OrganizationNGO
175RMA (Cambodia) Co.,LtdCompany
176RMA Financial Services ( Cambodia ) Plc.Company
177Rural Agency for Development Organization (RADO)NGO
178Rural Development Bank (RDB)State Own Bank
179Sacombank (Cambodia) Plc.Bank
180Sahaka MFIMFI
181SAMBAT Finance Plc.MFI
182SAMIC Microfinance (SAMIC)MFI
183Samret Development Economic Community OrganizationNGO
186Sciaroni & Associates (SA)Company
188Seng Huy ExchangeCompany
189SHRM Company
190SME Renewable Energy LimitedCompany
191Social Economic and Enterprise Development (SEED)NGO
193SOKIMEX Soksan KampotCompany
194Solid Finance Plc.Company
195Somaly Mam FoundationNGO
196Sovann Phoum Development OrganizationNGO
197SPIE-EN Cambodia-HollandNGO
198TACA Microfinance Plc.MFI
199Taiwan Cooperative BankBank
200TBB (Cambodia) Microfinance Instituttion PlcMFI
201TELA StationCompany
202Telecom CambodiaCompany
203The Credit of Family in CambodiaNGO
204Tomnukchet Finance AssociationCredit Operator
205Tompeang Russey Khmer Association (TRK)NGO
206TOYOTA (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd.Company
207Toyota Tsusho CorporationCompany
208Toyota Tsusho Finance (Cambodia) Plc.Company
209Trade Solutions Group and ACSBCompany
210Triangle Electric ShopCompany
211Trileang ElectricCompany
212Trop Khnhom Leasing Plc.Company
213Trust Affective Loan ServiceNGO
214Trust Fast Affective Pawn ShopCompany
215Trust Global Service Co., Ltd.Company
216Uni Trust Finance PlcCompany
217Union Commercial Bank Plc.Bank
218Vattanac BankBank
219VDB Loi LimitedCompany
220Village Development AssociationNGO
221VisionFund (Cambodia) Ltd (VisionFund)MFI
222We-TC Credit Plc.Credit Operator
223Wholistic Development Organization (WDO)NGO
226Yamaha Motor Cambodia Co., Ltd.Company
227YCP Micro-FinanceMFI
Total (227 institutions) = 6,031 participants


No. Institution Type Country
1Access to Finance for the Poor (AFP-GTZ)NGOLaos
2ACLEDA Bank Lao Ltd.BankLaos
3ACLEDA MFI Myanmar Co., Ltd.MFIMyanmar
5Agriculture Promotion Bank (APB)BankLaos
6Alliance de Credit et d'Epargne pour la Production (ACEP)MFISenegal
7Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM)MFIMalaysia
8Ant Financial GroupPrivate CompanyChina
9Appui au Développement Autonome (ADA)NGOLuxembourg
10Bank Indonesia (BI)Central BankIndonesia
11Bank of Taizhou Co.,LTD.BankChina
12Bank of the Lao PDR (BOL)Central BankLaos
13Bank Training Company Ltd.BankVietnam
14Beichun Minfu Village and Township Bank (VTB)BankChina
15Beijing Jinpeng Lixing Microcedit co.,Ltd.MFIChina
16Belgian development agency (BTC)MFIVietnam
17BESA FoundationMFIAlbania
18Bhutan National Bank Ltd.BankBhutan
19Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationFoundationUSA
20BRAC MicrofinanceMFIBangladesh
21Caixin MediaPrivate CompanyChina
22Capital Aid Fund for Employment of the Poor (CEP)BankVietnam
23CARD MRIBankVietnam
24Central Bank of MyanmarCentral BankMyanmar
25CF Lanka Microfinance (CFLM)MFISri Lanka
26CFG Services Company Limited (CFGS)MFIThailand
27Change Xing United Rural BankBankChina
28China Agriculture UniversityUniversityChina
29China Association of Microfinance (CAM)MFIChina
30China Banking AssociationBankChina
31China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation CFPAMFIChina
32Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion at RUC (CAFI)InstituteChina
33Commerce Bank AGBankVietnam
34Commercial Credit and FinanceMFISri Lanka
35Community Credit & Saving AssociationMFILaos
36Cooperatives Surya KencanaMFIIndonesia
37Cordillera Community & Family for Progress, IncMFIPhilippine
38Dakahlya Businessmen's Association for Community Development (DBACD)NGOEgypt
39Dalian Zhuanghe Northern Micro-credit Co., Ltd.MFIChina
40Dandong Yuanbao District Hui Tong microfinance limited liability companyMFIChina
41Deposit Taking Microfinance InstitutionMFILaos
42Development Bank of Malaysia (BPMB)BankMalaysia
44Egypt Microenterprise Finance (EMF)MFIEgypt
45Egyptian Insurance Supervisory Authority (EISA)InsuranceEgypt
46Emerging Markets Investment (EMI)MFILaos
47ENDA Inter-arabeMFITunisia
48Enterprise Bank Inc. (EBI)BankPhilippine
49Episcopal ChurchNGOPhilippine
50Ewenki Baoshang Rural BankBankChina
51Financiera EDYFICARMFIPeru
52Fond CoperatifMFILaos
53FONDEP MicrocreditMFIMorocco
54Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (FS)Training SchoolChina
55FuShun Shuncheng area RenHe Microcredit company limited by sharesMFIChina
56Fushun ShunCheng Shenyuan Microfinance Investment Limited SourceMFIChina
57General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI)MFIEgypt
58Geneshaha Microfinance FoundationMFIIndonesia
59GIZ-Microfinance-Access to Finance for the poorMFILaos
60Goldpac LimitedPrivate CompanyChina
61Hai Phong Women's UnionNGOVietnam
62Hainan Caogen Microcredit co., LTDMFIChina
63Han Zhong Han Tai Zhao Feng Microcredit Co., LtdMFIChina
64Haolaishi Investment Management LimitedPrivate CompanyChina
66IMON InternationalMFITajikistan
67International Development Center (IDC)NGOJapan
68International Finance Corporation (IFC) World Bank GroupBhutan
69Japan Center for Conflict Prevention (JCCP)NGOJapan
70Jiangxi Micro Credit Guarantee CenterMFIChina
71Jinan High-Tech Zone Tianye Microcredit Co., Ltd.MFIChina
72Jincheng Bank CorporationBankChina
73Jinzhou Micro-credit Company AssociationMFIChina
74Kanbawza Bank LimitedBankMyanmar
75Kashf FoundationMFIPakistan
76KB Microfinance Myanmar Co., LtdMFIMyanmar
77Khushhali Microfinance Bank Limited (Pakistan).BankPakistan
78Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW)BankGermany
79Kunming (Wuhua) Harmony Microcredit Co., Ltd.MFIChina
80Kunming Gaoxin Kechuang Microcredit Co., Ltd.MFIChina
81Kunming Xishan Baolitong Microcredit Co., Ltd.MFIChina
82Lao Development Bank (LDB)BankLaos
83Lao Postal InstituteMFILaos
85Liaoning Micro-credit Company AssociationMFIChina
86LOLC Micro Credit Limited (LOMC) Lanka ORIX Leasing Company PLCMFISri Lanka
87Luoyang Micro-loan Guarantee Center for Laid-off Workers,Hainan Province MFIChina
88Mekong DeltaMFIVietnam
89MFI Alter Modus DOOMFIMontenegro
90Mianyang China Construction BankBankChina
91Micro Credit RegulatoryGovernmentBangladesh
92Microfinance Capacity Building and Research Project (MCBR)NGOLaos
93Minfeng Mutual Cooperative, Chongqing MFIChina
94Ministry of Finance of MyanmarGovernmentMyanmar
95Ministry of Interior (MOI)GovernmentEgypt
96Ministry of Rural & Regional Development (MRRD)GovernmentMalaysia
97Myanmar Finance Co., Ltd.MFIMyanmar
98Myanmar Finance International Ltd.Private CompanyMyanmar
99Myanmar Microfinance Supervisory Enterprise (MMSE)GovernmentMyanmar
100National Commercial Bank of Timor LesteBankTimor L'East
101National Rural Support Program (NRSP)GovernmentPakistan
103Newton MicrofinanceMFILaos
104Oriental Huimin Microcredit Co., LTDMFIChina
105Oudomxai NMFIMFILaos
106OXUS AfghanistanMFIAfghanistan
107Pak Oman Microfinance Bank LimitedMFIPakistan
108Pakistan Microfinance Network (PMN)MFIPakistan
109Panshan County Huaxin Petty Loan Co., Ltd.MFIChina
110Prime Grameen Micro Finance LtdMFISri Lanka
111Rural Development CooperativeMFILaos
112SACOM BankBankVietnam
113Sainiyom MFIMFILaos
114San Isidro (SN) Development CooperativeMFIPhilippine
115Saving & Credit Union (SCU)MFILaos
116Shandong Laizhou Rural Commercial BankBankChina
117Shandong Liuhe Group Co., Ltd.MFIChina
118Shenyang City Heping District Hanhua Micro-credit Co., Ltd.MFIChina
119Shenzhen Zhong An Credit Investment Co., Ltd.MFIChina
120Shore Cap ExchangeBankUSA
121Sichuau Finance BureauGovernmentChina
122Sindh Agricultural and Forestry Worker Coordinating Organisation (SAFWCO)GovernmentPakistan
124Suryoday Micro-Finance Limited MFIIndia
125Tameer Microfinance Bank LimitedBankPakistan
126Thardeep Rural Development Program (TRDP)MFIPakistan
127The Liaoyang City Gongchangling Jinyue Small Loan CorporationMFIChina
128The Saving and Micro Credit ProgramNGOEritrea
129TMB Bank PlcBankThailand
130Tuba Rai Metin (TRM)MFITimor L'East
131TYM MFIMFIVietnam
132Unitus Advisors Private FoundationBankIndia
133Urat Rurual Commercial Bank,Inner MongoliaBankChina
134USAID EgyptGovernmentEgypt
135UTKARSH Micro Finance Limited (India).MFIAfghanistan
136Vanwods MFIMFIVanuatu
137VDF AssociationMFILaos
138Vietnam Women's Union (VWU)NGOVietnam
139Xixiang Women's Development AssociationNGOChina
140Yingkou Micro-credit Company AssociationMFIChina
141Yunnan Province Microcredit Association (YNMA)MFIChina
142Zhong An CreditMFIChina
Total (142 institutions) = 1,877 participants and 30 countries

ផែនទីទំព័រ ទម្រង់ផ្តល់យោបល់ ព័ត៌មានតាមអ៊ីម៉ែល កំណត់ចំណាំផ្នែកច្បាប់ ចំនួនអ្នកកំពុងទស្សនា: ១០ ចំនួនអ្នកទស្សនាថ្ងៃនេះ: ៣៦៥ ចំនួនអ្នកទស្សនាពីម្សិល: ៨៦៧