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Lecturer of Business

LMr. TO SINIT has joined the Faculty of Law and Economics and worked as a lecturer of Business at ACLEDA University of Business (AUB), since January 2022.

He is presently working in a Department of Supply Chain Management and Logistics (DSL). He has been lecturing a wide range of courses including Introduction Business, Principles of Marketing, Global Marketing, Doing Business in Digital Era, and other courses related to business disciplines. He had previously worked at NathThananmanpower. Co., Ltd., in a position of an Administrative Manager in Chonburi City, Thailand in 2017. In 2019, he moved to work as an Assistant Director of Administration at Paññásástra University of Cambodia (PUC). Before he had joined AUB, he worked with an NGO as an Oral Interpreter and worked as a Part-time Lecturer at several universities.

In 2010-2014, he has successfully completed a Bachelor's Degree of English Literature in the major of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) at Cambodia International Cooperation Institute. (CICI)

In 2016-2018, he also has successfully completed a Master's Degree of Business Administration International Program at Bangkok University (BU), Thailand.

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