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Mrs. Pang Chanrey

BBA in Science, Major: Mathematics
Master of Economics, Major: Economics

Mrs. Pang Chanrey is a Lecturer at the Department of Business Economics in Faculty of Law and Economics at ACLEDA University of Business.

She received a Bachelor degree in Science, Majoring in Mathematics at Royal University of Phnom Penh in 2014 and Master degree of Economics at National University of Management in 2021.

She has been lecturing some courses: Principles of Economics, Statistics for Business and Economics, Quantitative Analysis for Management.

Before presenting at AUB, she had been an English teacher at Sovannaphumi School for four years. After that, at the early of 2014, she had moved to Zaman International School for a position as Teacher Assistant and worked there until 2015. In late 2015, she was employed by ACLEDA Bank plc, as a cashier, and had been working there for three years and was promoted to be a Lecturer at AUB in 2018 until present.

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