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Bookkeeping, Controls and Accounting

Date: April 06 – June 22, 2025 (Every Sunday)
Time: 13:00 – 16:30
Duration: 45-hour

Course Contents:

  1. An Introduction to Business and Accounting
  2. Double Entry Bookkeeping
  3. Sales and Purchases
  4. Inventory
  5. Bad and Doubtful Debts
  6. Accruals and Prepayments
  7. Depreciation
  8. Control Accounts and Control Account Reconditions
  9. Bank Reconciliations
  10. Correction of Errors

Trainer: Prof. Long Borint; Senior Advisor of Center for Entrepreneurship Training & Development of ACLEDA Universiy of Business.

Target Participant: Accountants, Auditors, Finance Officers, Entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in learning about Entrepreneurship.

Fee: 165 USD / Participant

payments Special Offer
Corporate Card: 25%
Corporate Contract: 15%

(This fee is included training material, certificate from AUB & KICPAA, exam fee a time.)

For more information, please contact to: 010 900 340, 010 900 681, 015 600 784, 070 500 622

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