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Factors Influencing Digital Trust Among Young People in Phnom Penh: The Adoption of Expectation Confirmatory Theory

Bunteng Long

Western University

ISSN: 3078-4131 (Print)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.71215/cjbpp.202415

Keywords: Digital Trust, Digital User Perception, Digital User Expectation, Digital User Satisfaction

Published: 2024-08-30

How to Cite: Long.B., (2024). Factors Influencing Digital Trust Among Young People in Phnom Penh: The Adoption of Expectation Confirmatory Theory. Cambodia Journal for Business and Professional Practice, 2024(1), 118–137. https://doi.org/10.71215/cjbpp.202415



The study aims to investigate how current digital presence affects the trust among young people in Phnom Penh. The study covers construct such as the user perception, user expectation, and the user satisfaction among young people on the trusts in the digital environment. The quantitative method was used in this study. Questionnaires using likert scales were used to collect data from the sample of 409 respondents, who were selected using multistage sampling techniques, involving non-probability technique. Judgmental sampling was employed to select young people or adults, the majority of whom are teriary students from freshmen to seniors. Quota sampling and convenience sampling were used to determine the sample and to distribute questionnaires online, using multiple popular social networks. Factor loading and Cronbach’s alpha were tested for the reliability, using 50 respondents for a pilot study. Correlation matrix was applied to examine the correlation between each variable, and both multiple regression and ordinary least squared regression were also used to study the impacts between the independent variables and the dependent variables. The results showed that user perception and user expectation have a strong impact on the user satisfaction and digital trust, and the user satisfaction also has a strong impact on the digital trust.

Authors’ Biography

Bunteng Long is a professor, a scholar and a researcher who has a doctoral degree in Innovative Technology and Business Management, a Master's degree in General Management from Assumption University of Thailand (AU), and a Bachelor's degree in Finance and Banking from the National University of Management (Cambodia). He has been in higher education for almost 20 years. In this education career, he has been teaching different disciplines of business-related courses, researches, digital business, and supply chain management in both undergraduate and post-graduate levels. Moreover, Dr. Bunteng has developed and designed a number of academic programs and professional skills and has provided several corporate training courses in the business industry. At the same time, he has also produced several articles and journals, all of which have been published internationally. He is also a well-recognized reviewer and supervisor for lots of researches and articles for higher educational institutions in Cambodia. In late 2023, Dr. Bunteng was awarded an outstanding Ph.D. 'S holder's Award for his Research contribution in Digital Education by ACLEDA Institute of Business and a nomination as a research fellow and visiting scholar at a well-known university in Malaysia, the INTI International University of Malaysia.

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