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Clerk of Foreign Language Coordination Unit
She is a Junior student at ACLEDA University of Business, majoring in Finance and Banking.
She currently working in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Languages as a Clerk of the Foreign Language Coordination Unit. There, she keeps the daily reporting of students or issues in FAL and send them the Manager of the Foreign Language Coordination Unit. Every morning, she informs the team and Dean of FAL the attendant reports and contact targeted students, parents, and customers who are interested in a short-course program, English or Chinese, in the FAL. After that, more than that, she also prepares a schedule for a new course or class, prepare her daily and weekly report for her direct manager, process the administration requests, and facilitate the supporting materials for the lecturers/teachers. Lastly, not different from other clerks of FLCU, she always attends marketing activities, events and seminars conducted by FAL or AUB.
Her wisdom as a service provider is that "The student's issue is always the first priority task for the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Languages".